I Kant Rite

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hochuli Hochuli for Christmas

My favorite football ref is working tonight in the Superdome! I need more penalties!!! He's only 26 years older than I am....hmmm okay maybe that is a little too old. Well anyway he is good at his job so I wish I could see him more in games that I watch.

I found Ed Hochuli on wikipedia.com, and it stated he was mentioned in a Letterman top ten list. These are hysterical:

Top Ten Signs You've Been Watching Too Much Football

10. When you cut yourself shaving, you bleed nacho cheese

9. Your medical alert bracelet reads, "In case of emergency, tape Sunday's pre-game show"

8. Your "girlfriend": a football in a wig

7. In every situation you ask yourself, "What would NFL referee Ed Hochuli do?"

6. Hands are starting to smell like soap and leather (Sorry, that's a sign you've been washing too many footballs)

5. You call everyone "Tebucky"

4. On your driver's license, your age is listed as "XXXIV"

3. You can actually name a player on the New England Patriots

2. During sex you accidentally call out Jerry Glanville's name

1. Eaten so many chips, your ass was named site of Super Bowl XXXVIII

Jerry Glanville?!?! LOL I love it.

I don't really want Hochuli for Christmas. I was just thinking of the date today and it's only three months until Christmas. I am actually going to miss buying gifts for a guy this year. I will have to allocate that gift giving amongst my family and friends - I'm sure they'll like that!! And I can't forget about myself. I should start making my list:

Stereo system with surround sound and DVD player - probable
Mets to win the World Series - possible
The perfect man - non-existent

LOL I love how those three items came out in realistic to fantasy order.

Leg up!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Nothing Special

Julia Louis-Dreyfus won an Emmy for "The New Adventures of Old Christine." I hope this show takes off. I think it's hysterical! Her character as a single mother who still hangs around with her ex-husband, houses her brother, and constantly gets snubbed by two snooty mothers at her son's private school seems pretty realistic. She's quirky, a little neurotic, insecure so therefore very likable. And now Blair Underwood is on the show as her son's teacher! Holy crap that man doesn't appear enough on television. I recently have seen him on reruns of Sex and The City, so I was happy to see him walk into Richie's classroom.

Moving onto a different subject, I chopped my hair yesterday! It occurred to me the other day that my look needed an additional change. I recently got my new glasses - why stop there! My hair was down to the middle of my back, it was flat and lacked any decent looking curls. I walked into the hairdresser and said today we cut! I just wanted to be able to still put it in a pony tail. I have never had it this short but it definitely looks good. It looks even better when it is straight versus curly but that was always the case.

Another subject. I am so sick of my current class. Fortunately I am starting the last week of class on Tuesday. Both team projects received a B, so there is no way I'll get an A overall. I just don't have the motivation to shoot for exceptional grades on my last two individual projects. Like tonight I was going to work on the next assignment which is due at midnight tomorrow night. I looked over the parts to be completed but I figured I'll just work on it tomorrow. Ugh I can't wait to be done!!!

And it seems like every avenue in my life has some stress - school, work, family, friends. When it rains, it freakin' turns into a torrential downpour. Then I realized I was feeling a little down about my singlehood but shouldn't because at least there is no guy around causing additional issues. I get to come home to my quiet apartment to the three feline pigs. I understand why people who are depressed sleep all the time - it's the only time all this crap gets suppressed if only temporarily. I am not saying I am depressed and want to sleep all the time; I can deal. Running and playing soccer helps. I wish Bon Jovi was still on tour - those concerts are a great escape!

Well here is to another work week and the last week of class #8! Leg up!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

WE ARE....

THE CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!! The subject of an email that I received at 10:34pm this evening: "The Mets Are Your 2006 NL East Champions". That is just part 1 of 3. Leg up!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Good Day at the Canning Factory

I rolled out of bed, fed the cats, etc. etc. then heard on Mike and Mike on ESPN that the Braves were eliminated last night! Yahoo!! That was a great way to start my day!

Work was busy and I was productive so I didn't feel like a total idiot. It was gloomy and cold but I headed out at lunch time to shop for a fall jacket. I needed it today, but I had NO luck. What the heck. But I see a big shopping trip on the horizon maybe even to Waterloo! After work Jaime and I headed to Bull and Bear for a Non-iversary celebratory drink.

I am watching Sex and The City on Channel 6 and each commerial break, and this goes for every night I watch these reruns on this channel, there is an advertisement for The Olde Canning Factory Gift Shoppe. It's obviously a local business with a small budget using their own employees for the ad. It's painful to watch yet I look up from what I am doing (like writing a blog; I stopped mid-thought above to write about this stupid commercial) and watch. It's like a gory train wreck - disgusting yet thrilling. Plus the style of the crap they sell - omg! Not to mention the hair styles - did I see a banana clip?! I think I need to venture to Vernon, NY (4789 Route 31 to be exact) to this place. I am beyond curious!!

So back to my evening...me and the girls were headed to Liquor City to buy goodies for Jill's big event in a few weeks but some elements through us off course. Although I did not leave there empty handed - I have more goodies on my wine rack. :)So we just headed right to TGIFriday's for dinner. So yummy! After a bunch of fried, carb-loaded appetizers, I tackled some ridiculously spicey salad. Yeah, a salad! It was Santa Fe but what the heck? Spicey salad? Anyway we walked around the mall, still no jacket found but bought some cute new jammers! I did see some cute, funny shirts. One read "Nobody cares about your blog". LOL I almost bought it but then thought my gosh I'd be insulting myself! lol

Ooh another episode of SaTC and a new glass of wine! Fabulous!!

Leg up!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Poop. All milestones and occasions in the first year blow...apparently.

It had to end before #9 because that is my number so now it's all about me. It'll be interesting to see what lies ahead. The first 7 months have already been interesting to say the least.

So tomorrow evening I'll be out with the girls shopping for items for the opposite of a break up - a wedding!

Celebrating singlehood in '06! Leg up!

Monday, September 11, 2006


I sat down on the couch, turned on the tv, switched on the cable box, and turned the channel to 9 (ABC). I thought this doesn't look like football! Oh duh - MNF is now on ESPN. I never thought my female brain was that in tune with MNF on ABC. Great, another habit to break.

Yesterday I spent a good portion of the late afternoon and evening at Hafner's watching the Sunday games. It's amazing people, i.e. guys, can keep track of all that is going on with all the different games. They can barely concentrate on peeing in the toilet with little spillage! So I have my doubts about their ability to be completely aware of each game going on. ha!

I had a ton of school work to do yesterday before I went to Hafner's but I was able to watch most of the Buffalo game. It was odd watching NFL Countdown and the Buffalo game alone. The quiet was eery. lol Both of my teams lost but the highlight of the day was Tom Jackson asking Michael Irvin if he was retarded. lol classic. That's what crack will do to you!

Along with football season comes chillier weather. That's all well and good but at the moment I am frickin' freezing. I am also lacking socks on my feet so there lies the problem. I need to hit the hay anyway. Due to high stress levels from work and school, I was awake for almost two hours during the night last night...the garlic chicken wing heartburn certainly didn't help any. They are good going down but not coming back up. I think I foresee a night with a tylenol pm!

Leg up!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

They're Here!

The trilogy arrived today! I was so excited to see that brown, cardboard package with Amazon's big, fat logo sitting in front of my door when I got home from work. I can now enjoy hours of hobbit adventures...well after I buy a dvd player that is. This is totally the nerdy side of me - yahoo!

This is a short post this evening. I have just finished reading some boring information on project management for class, and I am ready to pass out...not to mention what a foul mood I am in. Sure the trilogy made me happy when I got home but school work sent that mood south in a hurry.

Leg up.