I Kant Rite

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Dark Knight

GO SEE IT!!!! Beg, borrow, sell yourself and/or your blood if you have to get the money for a ticket! Run, walk, skip, crawl to the theater - just do it for the sake of humanity! Okay I got a little over zealous, but I'm serious, go see it on the BIG screen.

A packed theater on a Tuesday night at 8pm - you know something fan-freakin-tastic was about to come our way. "The Dark Knight" did NOT disappoint and exceeded every expectation I could imagine.

Heath Ledger was phenomenal! If he doesn't at least get nominated for ask an Oscar, I will be absolutely, positively shocked and furious. As I described it on the way home, he actually scared me. Usually the Batman movies are thrilling, adventurous, and action-packed. Ledger added the element of fear. I felt like I was watching a movie with a serial killer - the kind that just keeps me chilled the entire time. But he also makes you laugh - he is so twisted and evil yet comical...it's brilliant!

I also have to note the make-up. Ledger's scars and clown make-up really enhanced his creepy, freaky character. But after Harvey Dent's (Aaron Eckhart was also stellar) face was burnt, the Joker's make-up takes a back seat. That's all I am going to say about that - my words would not do it justice, so you have to see it. It made my stomach turn.

Christian Bale should always be Batman and no other could play a better Gordon than Gary Oldman. In addition, the overall intensity was off the charts. If I could have gotten up to pace, I would have. There is one part you think the movie is over but feel it is not complete, and so it continues. At that point in many movies that I have seen, I want the film to be over. That was not the case here. It didn't feel drawn out and I was glad to get more! I never cared what time it was once. It was 2 1/2 hours that I would be glad to go through again and again. Gordon's final lines of the movie rounded it out nicely, and makes you excited for more to come! I can't freakin' wait!!!

Leg up!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Things that have irritated me in the last week...

I can only think of two things at the moment but they are pretty prominant.

1. Last Wednesday after Jeremy's birthday dinner, he wanted to go see Hancock. Okay I'll give it a shot. I had seen previews and trailers that made it look pretty interesting. And Will Smith is pretty funny. I left the theater in a bad mood. I did laugh a few times and actually Smith was a little charming as a grouchy super hero. But most of the time I was just irritated and frustrated. I couldn't understand where some ideas were coming from and the reasoning behind it. It just wasn't like the comic book super hero movies that I absolutely love. Hulk wasn't even a favorite but it was much better than Hancock.

2. Brett - give it a rest!!!!!!!!!!! I would think I'd be more understanding of an athlete having a hard time letting go of a sport. I didn't want to end my softball career but I really didn't have a choice. So I should say keep at it Favre if your body and talent are still there. But that's not my mentality. I lose patience with this back and forth crap. If you're going to keep playing, try a different avenue. At least go play Arena Ball in Philly - Favre and Bon Jovi in one arena?! Now THAT is a concept I can handle.

Leg up!!