I Kant Rite

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

And We're Back! Thanksgiving and Jersey Girl

I did it! I lived through the flu in the year of the great flu-shot shortage. Being sick for a week really drains ones desire to post a second blog...or maybe again it's my procrastination. But I digress.

I was feeling much better the morning of November 25th, the third Thursday of November, a.k.a. Thanksgiving! I can't imagine missing out on that meal. I have had the stomach flu on Easter and Christmas; I was afraid Turkey Day was going to be the next holiday to fall.

Hold that thought - Bon Jovi is on tv...

And we're back!

As I was saying, Thanksgiving...good day. I actually saw the beginning of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I don't think in my 28 1/2 years of existence I have EVER been awake for the beginning of that parade. Amazing. The highlight for me was the new Spongebob Squarepants balloon. The part of me that refuses to grow up loves Spongebob, and even a giant balloon on television brought a smile to my face. I wished I was one of the handlers! But alas, Spongebob moved on and so did I. On to the highlight of the afternoon - food!

I joined about 20 of my family members at my Aunt's house for the annual feast. I swear every year we have just as many pies as we do side dishes...it's insane. So we ate, we cleaned up (I use the term "we" loosely on the clean up; I usually try to look busy doing something else like watching football, which by the way, that Colts/Lions game??), people napped, the typical Thanksgiving Day. Then, it snowed. I don't understand how Syracuse can be at a balmy 40 degrees and at the same time there's a blizzard in my hometown, Otisco, 30 minutes Southeast of the city. Ridiculous. But I guess it could have been worse. I was glad everyone made it to dinner then made it home safely.

I rounded out my evening on my couch watching a movie, "Jersey Girl" (two thumbs WAY down). I am not one to get into a detailed movie review; but I do read them. I was recently reading some reviews of "Jersey Girl". I faintly recall someone making the statement that Ben Affleck couldn't act his way out of a paper bag in this flick; I'm not sure anyone could do that but I got the point and I agreed with that sentiment. I mean I like the guy and I know he isn't a great actor but this was actually painful to watch especially when he was trying to cry. I considered stopping the movie and sprinting to Blockbuster looking for any replacement (was "Gigli" available?), but I pushed through it. I admit I laughed a few times - mostly at George Carlin's character who was funny and definitely likeable. The little girl was cute and was a good little actress. She has potential. Ben should hang up his cleats if all of his future movies are like this. Bad acting, bad writing, don't waste your time.

25 Days Til Christmas!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Operation: Procrastination

Sign me up! There - I got to say it and probably won't be the last.

It occurred to me to join the blog craze a while ago, but then I thought I would stress out about what to write. I take forever to compose what should be a quick email! But now here I am. And it has taken me all day to do it. I thought I would out grow procrastinating in 1998 when I walked the stage at Le Moyne (well, the War Memorial in Syracuse, but who's counting).

My intention was to get this started after work. But on Thursdays, my three co-workers and I always head to our favorite watering hole (is this what I mean? is this the right reference for a bar? I kant rite) for a couple of beverages, so that's exactly what I did. I have all evening for my blog. Three beers later... I apparently drink too much because it didn't touch me.

I got home around 6:30, but at this point, I am chatting away on the phone with my sister (the Queen of Sarcasm - she will bust your balls even if it's the first time she has met you). I finally end the call around 7:20 at which point all I can think about is food - PIZZA!! Yes, a wonderful, delicious Domino's Double Melt was on my mind. I think the order went in around 7:40 - I can't remember what happened in those 20 minutes; I must have blacked out from hunger. So what did I do while I waited for dinner? Nothing! ("I had nine months to work on it and did nothing!" - Brian Regan - best stand up comedian ever!). I didn't start my blog. I was too hungry to concentrate. BUT! I did turn on my computer in that time. Progress!

Pizza gets devoured, but now "Joey" is on. This is a Thursday night ritual; the Thursday night line up is like a security blanket...that and "The Golden Girls" (that's me and my girls in ___ years - let's not go into age right now). The computer is still on, I'm online, but now I am comfortable on the couch with Madison (the cutest, calico on Earth) anchoring me down. I am watching Donald the Hump Trump fire Maria...and Wes?! Whoa - exciting television. I didn't see that coming! ("I'm sensing your sarcasm." "I should hope so; I'm laying it on pretty thick." what movie? answer in a comment and I'll by you a beer while supplies last and by supplies I mean money).

It finally came to 10 pm, so I headed to my computer. Thank God it's on the first floor of the house...actually, that makes my procrastination worse. It's not like I had to go upstairs. I'm pathetic. Anyway, I'm a night owl, I still have plenty of time. So my advisor points me in the right directions, starting with my profile. Perfect! It's about me and I know me! Or do I? Good grief I even had a hard time filling that out! I can't figure myself out at 10:30 at night! But I did the best I could under the time crunch I had put myself in. I stress out about the craziest things sometimes. I think it's a chemical imbalance. That's why I drink - I hope to balance out the chemicals. But once I got started, the words flowed like wine. Hmm yum, I wonder if I have an open bottle?

Anyway, I really enjoyed my first experience at blogging. I hope I don't sound like an idiot but remember the title of my blog...

because I kant rite!!