I Kant Rite

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Optimism is Good For You

I try to be an optimist and for the most part I think I am pretty successful.

Life, at times, can get ya down but you have to look at the positive side even when it may be hard to find. Like the other day it was raining like crazy all day, gloomy and just overall nasty. I went home at lunch to relax and nip the bad mood in the bud. I ended up finding a leak in my bedroom and the carpet was soaked in one corner of my room. At the same time, one of the buildings in my complex had a fire, so I knew my problem would be way down on the priority list. I was irritated with the way the main office handled my issue (two days later they have still have yet to come and fix the problem), but I thought well at least my apartment isn't on fire and my cats are okay. The leak is a pain in the ass but I'll deal with it even if it means withholding rent.

There have been a few instances in which I try not to get my hopes up for fear of a major let down. But then again, I think well it just wasn't meant to be. It's not the end of the world and there has to be something better around the corner. Right? Absolutely! The last few days I have been feeling stressed so trying to remember and keeping a positive attitude can get tough. Then last night my friend was describing an extremely negative person, and it reminded me of how not to be. I don't think I even come close to what she was describing, but it certainly puts things back in perspective.

Then today, I saw my daily email from Webmd and the subject is "How to be Optimistic." Yeah! Great timing! Here are the basic bullet points:
+Focus on the big picture.
+Read about optimists.
+Be generous.
+Go on a media fast.
+Immerse yourself in nature.
+Cultivate spirituality.

Here is the link to the article - I HIGHLY recommend it!http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/the-power-of-optimism?ecd=wnl_day_102507

Go in with a realistic viewpoint coupled with a positive attitude and things will work out...the way they should!

Leg up!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Title

"I'm the Prize."

Dating is a royal pain. The uncertainty of how things are going, what will happen this time and will there be another date? Of course this is not helped by the fact I am a major analyzer. Must be those are the brain cells I have killed yet. I have to remind myself of "I'm the Prize." Otherwise, I think this whole thing will drive me crazy. Short trip, I know. lol Recently I thought maybe arranged marriages aren't such a bad idea. lol OMG can you imagine? Yeah I guess that would suck worse. I'd rather be alone that have to live with someone the rest of my life that I have absolutely NO interest in. A roommate for life without feelings? Ew. I would end up hating that person - get out of my way!! lol

Four days until the big wedding! yahoo!!!

Leg up!!