Single life is interesting. This past Saturday night Jaime and I ventured to one of our favorite bars - the Blue Tusk. We actually have a couple of favorite bar stools, and had to hover near them this particular night until the losers sitting in them left. This spot at the bar has been a successful spot for us - remember this is where I became the Blue Tusk prize (which I have back up blue ribbons - no worries)! Saturday night was definitely entertaining. Besides having a few beers and recording some of the bitter and funny sayings we came up with during the night (finish this line: love is like...; please make it as dirty and bitter as possible and post a comment), we were approached by some interesting, boys. Let's see first was Mr. Big (trust me this is literal and he looks nothing like Mr. Big from Sex and The City) and birthday boy. They were looking for a fun bar. Duh take a look around - the Tusk rocks when we're there! They proceeded to buy us a round even though I kept text messaging Hawaii. I felt bad after the fact because I was probably being rude but I had no interest. They were nice and hey I got a beer out of it, but they were soon on there way.
The next round came from some military guys one of which had approached us earlier looking for a place to go dancing. Well he and his buddy were back I assume to quickly gather up some girls before the bars closed because it was getting late. So the one guy is chatting with Jaime and his marine buddy decided to try to sweep me off my feet by asking me if he could ask/make inappropriate questions/comments. Maybe he didn't say inappropriate but after what he said, that's how I would characterize it. No, it was just stupid. He asked me how old I was to which I answered the truth: 30. He claimed to be 24 (he looked 16). His next smooth move: Mr. Personality says to me "you're hot for your age." LOL Are you kidding? For my age? OMG please guys leave it at "you're hot" with any girl whether you want to date her or you're just out for one night of fun. Trust me age has nothing to do with it. I'm hot for any age! Then there were a couple of African-American youngsters (21 years old I think) trying to pick us up as we left the Tusk. The night steadily got younger and younger...very strange. I don't know - maybe it is the warmer weather revving up the testosterone.
AI PREDICTION: The rest of the competition will be a sausage party. See you later Katherine. She's is a great singer but she shit the bed this week. Elliott was phenomenal. Leg up!!!