I Kant Rite

Thursday, April 26, 2007

CSI: Crazy Scene Investigation

I have rediscovered my afinity for CSI. Not Miami, not NYC. Vegas baby! Anyway, even the not so good episodes are still interesting and keep my attention for an hour, which can be hard to do. Although, I am writing this as I am watching so it doesn't have my complete focus. This episode features the girl who played the youngest sister on "Growing Pains" and she is playing a hooker. Weird.

The other thing about this show are the strange, yet funny, one liners.

In the beginning of an autopsy on a boxer, Warrick removes the guys trunks and the doc notes the marks on and size of his "twig and berries" and what the possibilities could be. Cathryn chimes in with "either that or he has the World's Ugliest Johnson." lol um okay.

In another scene, an investigator is just about to question one of the hookers (the girl from "Growing Pains"). For reasons we do not know about, she starts singing. When she stops, he says "Do I look like Paula Abdul to you?" ha ha nice reference.

The guy that played Brooks in "The Shawshank Redemption" plays a senile old man and who keeps saying somebody shot my wife, whom we find out has been dead for 10 years. Finally we see he wasn't really that out of it. He walks out of his trailer with a picture of his wife and an arrow is stuck in it right in her forehead. lol This show is bizarre tonight.

Now the guy who is playing the bartender at the "bunny" ranch was in the movie "Rat Race" (he was the character who just had tongue pierced so it was very swollen and couldn't talk clearly. It was hysterical! Probably the only funny thing about that movie if I remember correctly). In this episode, he has just been notified he killed a guy (he shot the boxer with an arrow but didn't know he died - duh), so he is sobbing but the investigator's phone starts ringing and he yells "are you gonna get that" and keeps sobbing. lol This is the strangest episode ever.

Another thing - never, ever under any circumstances, no matter how hungry you are, eat while watching this show. I found out the hard way.

Well I guess that is all for today. There are about 15 minutes left then I have to do some school work before trying to go to sleep.

Leg up!!


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