I Kant Rite

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Out of Sorts

Misery loves company, so I advise you only read this if you feel shitty and like bitching at the world with me.

The day is winding down and I just felt like posting.

I feel out of sorts these days. It could be because I am getting ready to move again. My apartment is in disarray but I have a somewhat decent mental plan for packing day, which is this Sunday. I have already contacted the necessary participants essential to a move: NiMo, Time Warner, and Verizon so those things are in place. I reserved a Uhaul truck a month ago but they couldn't tell me where and when to a get truck so far in advance so they are supposed to contact a week before moving day. This means I should hear from them this Saturday? I don' t know - I am debating on whether I should just call them tomorrow or wait to hear from them, and if I don't I need to call them on Monday. But is Monday too late? For a while I felt like I didn't worry about things as much as I used to, but now it feels like I am back to those days again of worrying TOO much. I am not even looking forward to it being the weekend. WTF? I honestly think I just know how much work I have to do from now until June for school and it's bogging me down.

I am also tired. I haven't been exercising regularly like I used to because I am doing a lot of school work, hanging out with Paul, going to sporting events, hanging out with friends, blah blah blah . I am in my second to last class of my Master's program, and it actually kind of makes me wonder what the heck I am going to do when it's over. I'll all this extra free time! I hate free time. Well I like it but I'll wonder what the heck should I do then have to come up with something. dammit! Well I have a LONG list of movies to catch up on and it'll be nice to read a novel cover to cover in a decent amount of time.


I left work for the day so now I am back after my soccer to game to finish what I started. Soccer helped me feel a little better. I stopped to g'ma in the nursing home on my way to the game. It's hard to see her, too in that crazy halo. I can't imagine being 86, breaking my neck and having a metal apparatus screwed to my skull. So what the hell I am bitching about? I don't konw - that's the problem. I know moving is one of the big stressers in life but good God it's not worse than my last move! Someone should just kick me in the ass and yell, in their best Cher voice, "snap out of it." I did get my spare room in order and a bunch of stuff packed up tonight, so it doesn't look like I have no intention of moving.

I am also not looking my best. Why do I feel like I am going through puberty again yet more gray hair and wrinkles around the eyes and laugh lines around my mouth have appeared? My breakouts could make a 15 year old feel better about herself.

I am glad I have the cats - they are entertaining, chasing each other around. Although, even last night I was irritated with them for purring too loud! Hey I was trying to hear what random noises were going on in the apartment, and I wanted to be able to hear if a sneak attack was coming. Turns out the noises were just from the wind. I get so paranoid at night. I used to have a pointed umbrella as my weapon of choice for fighting off non-existent burglars. Seriously, it wasn't a bullet proof shield. What the hell good was it gonna do me? I guess it would have thwarted an attack by a gun...if it was a supersoaker.

Ah that reminds me of summer and softball is right around corner. OMG a good thought. I do still have them!! Yay! What a sigh of relief. On that note I'm going to hit the showers then to bed and hope I have more nice thoughts and better mind set tomorrow. Get a grip krussell!

Leg up!!


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