I Kant Rite

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Upgrade! Oh my back

Apparently I just upgraded to bigger and better blogging. We'll see how this goes.

I'm officially old. I hurt my back. Saturday night I decided to give the party host a gracious good bye by not just giving him a hug but lifting him up. I bent back a little too far and felt it in my lower back. Sunday I was sore and was a little stiff in my lower back but didn't feel too uncomfortable. Monday was a different story. I sat at my desk Monday and throughout the day I could feel the stiffness creep up my back and even turn to pain. By the end of the day pain settled between my shoulder blades, just below my neck. I went home and relaxed. Tuesday was worse, and both days I even drove home a lunch just to lie down and keep my heating pad strapped to my back. By 4pm Tuesday, I had had enough and called a chiropractor to make an appointment for a realignment. I find any time I am sick or some how out of sorts that it is just another hurdle and a challenge to figure out how to fix it. Over the years I have felt stiffness in the same areas of my back but nothing I couldn't deal with or that would prevent me from exercising, sleeping or even just turning my head comfortably. Normally I look forward to sleep every night - my time to escape from life and dream about things I'll never have like Keifer Sutherland. ha! But this week sleeping has not been easily achievable nor does it last a solid 8 hours straight. And it landed me on my couch two evenings/nights in a row, which was so incredibly depressing. I was alone and bored out of my skull not to mention close to tears a few times because I felt so limited.

Last night I ended up going to watch Paul bowl - I couldn't take another night in my apartment, which I love but not so much to sit and stare at the walls for a third night. I made due with the hard, plastic chairs provided by the alley and coupled it with two frosty MILLER LITES! After bowling I was still feeling okay so we went for a long walk around town. It felt good to be outside and moving! I was feeling pretty loose (ha ha) until this morning. I opened my eyes and thought holy crap this must be what a post feels like! Then I spent the entire day at my desk....stupid chair is the worst one on Earth! That will soon be remedied - tomorrow we are picking out new office chairs...good ones! Not some stupid $50 thing from Staples. No wonder my back is out of whack! Then after that I have my very first chiropractor appointment. I am looking forward to it! Sweet relief!

Leg up!! That should be much easier after tomorrow!


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