I Kant Rite

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Upper Hand

I don't get it - why do the dumb ones have the upper hand in the beginning? And since they do, why can't they be smarter about it? Don't be such a fuckin' chicken. Make a decision and go with it. This isn't necessarily a personal experience but just thoughts I am having after discussing various situations with numerous people. I guess after or near 30 it should be cut and dry. If you're interested, then show it, say it, etc. If not, don't dick us around because there are others out there. And girls if they are dicking you around, just say next fish! I don't know - maybe it's the entire bottle of Anthony Road riesling I drank tonight. Ha ha leg up!! We'll take the upper hand by not taking any shit! I feel that bitterness I felt Saturday night at the fire coming back! lol That was so fun and a great way to blow off some pent up steam that I didn't know was still there. But I digress...

Who watched Idol tonight? Good stuff. I think the next two that NEED to go are Kellie Pickler and Ace...whatever his last name is...doesn't really matter. After that I would be happy with any of them winning really. I mean I voted for Chris the most but also sent in some votes for McPheever and Elfin' Magic. It is all winding down and I think the final will be fantastic as long as Pickler isn't there. God help those who vote for her!!

It's almost 1 am. Good night please.


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